"When we change our daily lives-the way we think, speak and act-we change the world."
-Thich Nhat Hanh


With IntuitivEdge on your side, our conversations and our relationship are completely confidential, and you can be yourself. The purpose of the relationship is for you to clarify your present goals and to create real and workable action steps to achieve success in your life, in your career... in anything!

Intuitive Edge consulting blends classic wellness techniques with cutting edge neuroscience to bring 21st century results in professional and personal consulting situations.

As your coach, my job is to listen and to assist you in capturing your best thinking, intuition, and creativity so that you can maximize your personal and professional potential. I coach so that you can discover new insights, develop your passions, plan for the future, and learn to trust your "internal coach".

My intention is for us, as a team, to define our goals, discover how long it will take for us to put you on a good path, and make a plan that works. When we're done, you will feel more comfortable in your own skin. You will learn effective communication skills that you can apply to your life NOW. As your coach, I will apply neuroscience, education, and practice wisdom to bring you the very attainable possibility of manifesting a happier and more satisfying life.

Website design and maintenance by Deluxe Interactive ServicesDeluxe Interactive Services.
Website development by Trailhead Productions, LLC and Peter Gardner.
All content © Caryn Corenblum 2013