"With realization of one's own potential and self-confidence in one's ability, one can build a better world."
-Dalai Lama


"I have been getting executive coaching for several years now and it has provided the skills and strategies to significantly improve both my career and my personal life. It has made a difference in how I approach things at work. It enhanced my confidence and persistence and enabled me to take action to accomplish valuable projects for the company. Executive coaching is a catalyst for my creativity and innovation. I was able to take my career up a step from Manager to Senior Manager and am adding significant value every day. I have also become a skillful communicator, which improved my personal relationships and life in general. I also met, dated and eventually fell in love with a wonderful man. I believe that executive coaching gave me the confidence and healthy behaviors to use to find dating partners and evaluate them related to what is important to me and choose someone who I believe is an excellent match for me. I recommend executive coaching to anyone who is willing to make changes in their thoughts and behavior that can result in a significant improvement in the quality of their lives.

Michelle Lax
Senior Manager Accounting Services

"Transition themes related to a career move, grief themes related to family dynamics, increasing effectiveness within a management position and creating a more consistent life balance were all topics I brought to the conversation when Caryn served as my coach. For over a year I was challenged, inspired, and motivated through Coach Caryn's listening and coaching skills as I came to make discoveries about my own gifts and abilities of which I was often unaware prior to the coaching sessions. Caryn's energy, sensitivity, wisdom and humor make her an excellent choice for anyone wishing to create a better life for themselves.

Mitch Coggin, Pastor
First Presbyterian Church, Connersville, IN

Caryn is an inspiring and effective life coach. When I worked with her I felt constantly reassured, encouraged, and motivated. She is amazingly insightful, and her enthusiasm unending. In working with Caryn I was able to define my path and motivations, gain confidence in my ability to take that path and go forward boldly in areas I never would have without her. She is continually broadening her knowledge base in the latest coaching methods and philosophies; her clients are lucky to have access to someone so dedicated and in-the-know. Most importantly for me, though, I never for a second doubted that Caryn really cares. She is warm, funny, and sincere, and continually shows unswerving listening skills and deep compassion. What an honor to work with someone so talented and passionate.

Dori Decamillis
artist and author

Caryn is a kind, skilled life coach who has guided me through life changing times. Her encouragement ("I trust your good brain" she often says), has invited me to determine what I want for this phase of my life, to tell myself the truth, and focus my awareness of listening to what she calls my "wisdom voice," my intuitiveness. She keeps my confidences, makes me smile, and celebrates my success in moving on to the next adventure.

Barb Haynes
Fiber Artist, Writer, Fine Art Photographer.

"Working with Caryn is such a delight. She always has a smile on her face, joy in her heart and a keen ability to guide you toward your own greatness within. And I love the way she merges intangible dream building with strong, solid science. I've made several significant leaps with Caryn at my side and I'm not sure I'd have accomplished it without her, at least not this quickly!"

Jean CampbellJean Campbell

Co-Owner at Deluxe Interactive Services
Birmingham, Alabama

a web design and content fulfillment company

Caryn's coaching guides me to higher levels of thinking. Before working with her, my self-limiting thoughts were stumbling blocks to living a joyful life. My "family of origin" stories, once laced with exclusion and a lack of relevance, now reflect unique experience and acceptance. Listening fully to my words, my voice and my passions, Caryn encourages my language to include possibility and hope. With her leadership, I'm dreaming bigger, realizing my dreams, and looking enthusiastically for more yet to come.

Holly Crump
Director of Women's Health Network, Payson Arizona

Caryn combines her skills and training to provide a very safe environment for coaching. Her unconditional regard allows me to risk fully and to grow continually toward my own potential. She is capable of gentle confrontation when needed, so that one can see clearly the consequences of one's words and actions. I recommend Caryn highly as a coach.

Judith Kennedy
Psychologist, Writer, Life Coach

Website design and maintenance by Deluxe Interactive ServicesDeluxe Interactive Services.
Website development by Trailhead Productions, LLC and Peter Gardner.
All content © Caryn Corenblum 2013