"People are not disturbed by things, but by the view they take of them."

About IntuitivEdge

What is PBSP?

The PBSP therapist closely tracks the meaning of verbal, and nonverbal and emotional information as it rises to the surface of the client's mind and body. Through specific techniques, this mind/body information highlights the client's interior - exterior perspective and is then represented in the room through the use of role-play figures.

These external representations of consciousness spur the client's associations. As recollections of past life-shaping events emerge, these memories are also represented in the room through role-play figures.

As these memories are illustrated, it opens the door for symbolic corrections. These experiences enter the psyche at a core level and are thought to produce psychological/neurological reorganization. See WWW.PBSP.com

What is NeuroLeadership?

the human brainNeuroLeadership is an emerging field focused on bringing scientific knowledge to the fields of leadership development, change management, education, consulting and coaching. I conduct workshops and learning sessions on:

  • Decision making and problem solving:
  • emotional regulation
  • collaboration with others
  • facilitating change

About Caryn

I am an International Coach Federation (ICF) Professional Certified Coach (PCC) and a certified Life Coach (J.D., L.C.S.W) I conduct workshops on the neuroscience of leadership with the purpose of inspiring participants to take self directed actions for positive change. My strengths lie in inspiring positive attitudes and teaching skills for clear and powerful communication. My biggest joy comes from assisting others in unleashing their thinking to create exceptional lives. I love working with diverse people who are interested in cultivating their inner awareness, discovering their passions and contributing their unique gifts to the world.

Previously, I have worked as an attorney specializing in retirement planning, and I have worked as an executive director of The National Coalition Building Institute-Birmingham, a nonprofit organization specializing in diversity and conflict resolution, and as an inpatient and outpatient social worker/therapist. Currently, I am president of IntuitivEdge Coaching and Learning. I work with individuals and teams, and provide coaching for executives and managers. I coach executives, emerging leaders. and individuals with high potential.

I am a life long learner. I received a Suma Cum Laude Bachelors in Business Administration from Emory University, Goizueta School of Business, a law degree from New England Law and a Masters in Social Work from the University of Alabama. I have completed a three-year training program in PBSP, a holistic developmental healing methodology (www.pbsp.com). Currently, I am continuing to learn about the nervous system and the neurobiology of human relationships with Somatic Experiencing and DARe. Simultaneously, I am pursuing a postgraduate certificate program in the Neuroscience of Leadership with Middlesex University, (UK). Presently, this is the only postgraduate certificate in the neuroscience of leadership offered worldwide. The neuroscience of leadership is an emerging field focused on bringing scientific knowledge to the fields of leadership development, change management, education, consulting and coaching.

Website design and maintenance by Deluxe Interactive ServicesDeluxe Interactive Services.
Website development by Trailhead Productions, LLC and Peter Gardner.
All content © Caryn Corenblum 2013